Innovestor building the ’Tahdo uudistua’ business renewal program together with Säästöpankki, LähiTapiola and Elo

To help Finnish companies transform – and thereby succeed, together with Säästöpankki, LähiTapiola, Elo and regional partners we are excited to launch the Tahdo uudistua business renewal program. In the program, together with other entrepreneurs and experts, sparring events and business tools are given to entrepreneurs in order to help them renew their business.

SMEs are the backbone of Finland’s economy and well-being. However, many entrepreneurs face increasing challenges in an ever-changing business environment. One of the biggest challenges is the ability of the entrepreneur and his or her employees to survive, to do and to increase their demands at an accelerating pace. Financial concerns also often arise and may even be an obstacle to success. A good plan, the right tools and support network can ensure the right conditions for business continuity.

The purpose of the Tahdo uudistua program is to inspire companies to renew their business and to give entrepreneurship a new boost. Through the program, entrepreneurs will receive concrete tools to grow their business through expert-led workshops and a variety of online content. The program is free of charge for participating companies.

“According to a survey we conducted in the fall of 2019, nearly half of entrepreneurs look for ways to renew their business. The challenge here is that many of these entrepreneurs do not know how or where to start. That is why we feel that we have a very important societal role to play in helping entrepreneurs with this challenge” says Kari Suutari, Business Director of corporate customers at Säästöpankkiryhmä.

Renewal is at the heart of everything

In addition to the financial stability of the company, other core themes of the program focus on well-being of the entrepreneur and employees, sales, data utilization and digitalization.

“We want to support businesses and entrepreneurs in revitalizing their businesses and strengthening their vitality. Our local regional companies are aware of the regional circumstances and are able to bring their strong support and network through the program where businesses need it” stated Oona Paasolainen, Service Director at LähiTapiola.

We now invite entrepreneurs and company representatives to participate

The Tahdo uudistua program events will start in January 2020 in Kuopio. Additionally, events will be held in the spring in Kokkola, Lahti, Jyväskylä, Pori, Turku, Tampere, Helsinki, Hämeenlinna and Oulu. Participation is also possible by utilizing web content.

“Research has shown that an entrepreneur’s know-how, success and well-being are all linked. As the company employs more people, leadership skills in particular play an important role in ensuring that work continues and the company thrive. An integral part of company renewal is growth of the entrepreneur’s skills. Knowledge grows best through interaction with others, which is why sparring is a key part of the program” commented Joni Tikkanen, Elo’s Marketing Director.

Innovestors role

In addition to being an early-stage venture capital investor and direct co-investment syndicator we are also a growth program builder. After months of hard work, we are happy to see our teams and partner companies efforts come to a head following this official program release.  As the builder and executer of the Tahdo uudistua program, we couldn’t be more excited about the great group of partners we have gathered, content created and events planned and are looking forward to kicking off with the first event in January.

→ Make sure you visit the official Tahdo uudistua program website to learn more (please note that the website and program is in Finnish):

→ And check out our other growth programs and what partnership possibilities we offer: