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1 Minutes

Our hearts break for the victims of the war in Ukraine. To support the people in this humanitarian crisis, we are:   
– Financially assisting our portfolio company PromoRepublic Ukrainian team members arriving in Helsinki with temporary accommodation.
– Providing free working space for Operaatio TOIVO* in one of our real estate assets in Vantaa.
– Donating to organizations that provide immediate aid to those in need.
Our thoughts are with the brave Ukrainian people.

* Operaatio TOIVO provides critical humanitarian aid for Ukrainians. If you can provide support in the form of medicine, sleeping pads and -bags, or shoes, please get in touch with Johanna Levoniemi Ravintola Koto, Vastaanottokeskus Vapaalantie 2, Vantaa (3rd floor). Opening hours 14 – 19 (Mon – Thu). Please call first to Johanna (+358 40 124 5574).