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Press release 16th of May 2019

Read press release in Finnish

Modernization is vital for companies. In order to succeed in the increasingly competitive world, companies need to find the time and energy to constantly develop and modernize their business. However, this creates challenges for many small businesses if resources go into running their core business. In order to help small entrepreneurs to modernise their business, and thereby succeed, Säästöpankki, LähiTapiola, Elo and Kasvun Roihu are launching a business modernization programme in the autumn of 2019.

The “Tahdo uudistua” programme is targeted specifically at small businesses who recognize the need for modernization. During the upcoming autumn and spring seasons, the programme partners will organise dozens of events across Finland to provide small businesses with new insights, network opportunities, and concrete tools for renewal. These workshops will address the central themes of business modernization, including the well-being of entrepreneurs, keeping knowledge and skills up to date, profitability, and digitization.

Säästöpankki, the main partner of the programme, has been a part of Finnish society for nearly 200 years and has seen how important modernization is for entrepreneurs in this rapidly evolving world.

“We have witnessed economic turmoil, upswings and downturns, so we know what it takes to succeed – or even thrive – in times of change. We have noticed that in order to keep up with the changing world, the ability to modernize is an essential skill for businesses. That is why we want to encourage and help Finnish companies to modernize their business,” says Kari Suutari, Business Director, Corporate Customers, at Säästöpankki Group.

A programme led by a strong team

Säästöpankki acts as the main partner of the “Tahdo uudistua” programme, and the insurance company LähiTapiola and the employment pension company Elo act as the national partners of the programme. The programme partners share a mission to ensure the success and continuity of Finnish businesses.

“Small and medium-sized companies are the backbone of our country’s well-being. However, many entrepreneurs face an increasing number of challenges in a changing operating environment, and we face these situations on a daily basis with our customers. We want to support these companies and entrepreneurs in the modernization of their business and promote their vitality. Together with the best partners, we believe that we can provide these companies with the support and strength that they need to take their business to a new level,” says LähiTapiola’s Business Development Manager, Oona Paasolainen.

In addition to the main partner and national partners, Kasvun Roihu Oy, which is the coordinator and implementer of the “Tahdo uudistua” programme, is gathering a wide group of regional partners from both the public and private sectors. Actors across Finland are invited to take part in the programme as funders and implementers, and the partner network will also include several cities, including Kuopio and Lahti. The aim of establishing a diverse and wide network of partners is to develop the “Tahdo uudistua” programme into a truly influential national phenomenon.

“There are many actors in Finland who have helped small companies develop and modernise their business. However, we saw that it takes the power of a network to really make a difference. That is why we started to build a nationwide network of actors who are strong in their respective fields. Only together can we create a phenomenon,” says Susanne Forsberg, Kasvun Roihu Oy’s team leader in the “Tahdo uudistua” programme.

The group of partners behind the “Tahdo uudistua” programme will be further strengthened during late spring and summer, and the programme will be officially launched in September 2019. After the launch, Kasvun Roihu and the programme partners will start marketing the programme to small business owners. The first event days will be held in November and they will continue until the late spring of 2020.

Additional information

Susanne Forsberg, Kasvun Roihu Oy,, tel. +358 50 576 0851

Kari Suutari, Savings Bank,, tel. +358 44 207 1905

Noora Niemi, LocalTapiola,, tel. +358 40 355 6054

Oona Paasolainen, LocalTapiola,, tel. +358 40 187 2201

Joni Tikkanen, Elo,, tel. +358 40 838 0822

Kasvun Roihu has promoted the growth and internationalization of Finnish SMEs since 2014. Kasvun Roihu is a founding member and organizer of Kasvu Open, Finland’s largest business coaching programme. Kasvun Roihu’s Grow to Market internationalization programmes help Finnish companies who are looking to expand their business to the United States, China or Sweden. Kasvun Roihu is co-owned by the Nordic co-investment company Innovestor.

Säästöpankki Group promotes the financial welfare of individuals and communities. We want to be known for our bravery, expertise and passion for excellent customer service. Säästöpankki Group consists of local Säästöpankit and Säästöpankkikeskus. In addition to retail banking services, we offer investment, real estate and insurance services to our customers.

LähiTapiola Group is a group of companies owned by its customers. It serves private customers, farmers, entrepreneurs, corporate customers and organisations. LähiTapiola’s products and services cover non-life, life and pension insurance, as well as investment and saving services. We are also professionals in corporate risk management and occupational welfare. We have nearly 1.6 million owner-customers. LähiTapiola is transforming itself from a traditional insurance company into a lifelong security company. Lifelong security means that our customers are provided with comprehensive, preventative service in the areas of health, security and finance.

We are Elo, a Finnish pension insurance company. We make sure that our customers receive the pensions they deserve. We help our customers succeed and rise to the challenges of changing work life. We believe that competent and motivated staff are the lifeblood of any organisation and a prerequisite for success. A third of Finnish companies and over 40 per cent of entrepreneurs have chosen Elo as their pension insurance partner.

The business modernization programme “Tahdo uudistua”, launching in the autumn of 2019, aims to support the modernization and vitality of small businesses