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Innovestor’s Energy Storage investment initiative has received REPowerEU financial support for green transition investments from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment (Työ —ja Elinkeinoministeriö, TEM). The support was awarded to only three applicants, of which Innovestor’s Energy Storage initiative (Dessco Investors Oy) accounted for approximately 14% of the total amount.

 “We are delighted to see TEM backing our project. With the support of TEM and private investors, we continue to scale up operations. Next, the first batteries and solar panels will be ordered and installed at selected sites. We also plan to expand discussions with new investors in the autumn.”

Wilhelm Lindholm, CEO of Innovestor

Why energy storage?

At Innovestor, we have been closely studying energy markets and recognizing the potential of behind-the-meter-energy-storage solutions in Finland. We believe these projects will experience rapid growth in Finland, driven by:

  • Rising flexibility needs in the energy market
  • High energy prices
  • Declining technology costs
  • Increasingly sophisticated optimization of flexible assets

Connect with us

We look forward to continuing our discussions with investors and stakeholders who share our vision for a sustainable energy future. For more information and to connect with our team, visit our website or contact us directly.

Investor contacts:

Päivi Ihme, Director, Investor Relations,+358 40 586 5627,

Aleksi Huhta, Senior Manager, Investor Relations, +358 44 265 7722,

Mika Palsinajärvi, Senior Manager, Investor Relations, +358 43 825 0494,

Mika Nenonen, Senior Manager, Institutional Investor Relations, +358 50 410 0955,


Media contacts:

Heli Mehtätalo-Takala, Director, Marketing & Communications, +358 50 402 6781,

Suomenkieliset materiaalit:

Sijoittajatapahtuma, videotallenne:

Mielipidekirjoitus “Energiaa kannattaisi varastoida siellä missä sitä käytetään – eli kiinteistöissä (Wilhelm Lindholm, CEO, Innovestor)

Työ-ja Elinkeinoministeriön tiedote: