Client case

Client: Walki Group
Industry: Packaging materials
Website: Walki Group


Walki specializes in innovative, sustainable solutions for the packaging, label materials, and construction industries. To scale its business and foster growth, Walki Ventures, the company’s startup investment initiative, seeks to scout new technologies and startups that align with Walki’s strategy.

Goals with Innovestor:

  • Produce relevant startup market data
  • Identify startups interested in collaboration

Innovestor services:

  • Startup Scouting
  • Advisory services for creating startup collaboration


  • Developed a strong understanding of the existing startup market and Walki’s opportunities within it
  • Executed multiple startup collaboration discussions
  • Status as of August 2024: Walki’s investment in a sustainable startup, TPLC. (Case Description)

Client testimonial:

From Walki’s perspective, the concept of venturing is seen as a means to accelerate R&D activities and an avenue to engage in new business models, value chains, and exciting ventures. The goal was not to transform into a traditional venture capitalist investor but to seek robust business connections and touchpoints that align with Walki’s objectives. And that’s what we achieved!”

— Miika Järvinen, VP, Walki Ventures and Corporate Development