Customer classification criteria



1     Organizations

An organization (please see endnote 1) authorized or regulated to operate in the financial market on the basis of an operating permit and a comparable foreign organization under regulatory supervision:

2     Large companies

A company, which on the basis of the previously completed financial year meets at least two (2) of the following requirements:

3     State and its entities

4     Central banks

5     Institutional investors

Companies whose principal activity is to invest in financial instruments.

6     Classification on the basis of customer’s own application

The investment service provider estimates that the customer is capable of making independent investment decisions and understanding the risks involved, and the investment service provider accepts the customer’s application. If the customer’s application is accepted, the investment service provider informs the customer in writing that the customer is not covered by all procedural provisions of the Investment Services Act and the Finnish Investor Compensation Fund.

The customer shall notify the investment service provider in writing that it is aware of the loss of procedural provisions of protection and compensation fund protection.


1     Organizations

An organization (please see endnote 1) authorized or regulated to operate in the financial market on the basis of an operating permit and a comparable foreign organization under regulatory supervision:

2     Large companies

A company, which on the basis of the previously completed financial year meets at least two (2) of the following requirements:

and gives an express consent to be considered as an eligible counterparty.